Jupyter Lab extension support
Extendible list of kernels
Deploy Notebooks for reporting and collaboration
Run Web Apps during development
Effortless integration with git
View variables in the Variable Explorer for Python
Server environment
Direct access to databases
Browser based access
Create Dashboards and GUI's
Allow access to authorized users only
Generate audit trails and comply with governance
Integrate with Excel, BI and mobile Apps
Deploy Python, R and Julia models
Backend for Web Apps and Notebook Apps
Tell datastories with text and visualizations
Generate static reports
Collaborate in Interactive Notebooks
Support for Python, R and Julia
Deploy analytics solutions natively
Govern and control at ownR platform level
Automated DevOps with scalable deployment
Security by design for each application
Integrate with user management systems
In-cloud, on-premise or hybrid deployment
Your own URL behind your own firewall
No data or code shared with outside world